When to call us
Most people experience little to no discomfort following placement of a filling, but call us right away if you have:
- Pain or swelling that develops after 24 hours
- A reaction to the medication
- If once the anesthetic has worn off you have pain when biting, or your bite feels off, you may have a “high bite” and your restoration may need adjusted. You will need to return to the office for an adjustment to avoid breaking the tooth or injuring the nerve. It takes under 10 minutes to adjust and you should call us at (513) 245-2200 to have it taken care of right away.
Follow these instructions carefully to ensure the successful healing of your tooth after the filling:
- Do not eat or drink anything until the anesthetic has worn off.
- Do not use the tooth to bite down on anything hard (peanuts, pretzels, ice, etc.) for 24 hours.
- You may floss and brush your tooth as normal, unless told otherwise by the doctor.
- Some minor discomfort in the area is possible following the filling procedure. Sometimes, depending on circumstances, the tooth and surrounding tissues may remain sore for a few weeks post treatment. The three most common reasons for pain are:
- Sore jaw joint from having your mouth open for a prolonged time.
- Sore muscle from the injection site.
- Sore tooth when biting down from a “high bite.” This occurs when your new restoration is seated higher than your natural tooth was and can be quickly corrected by adjusting the restoration at our office. It is important that you get the bite adjusted right away to avoid breaking the restoration or damaging the nerve. If you experience a high bite, call the office at (513) 245-2200.